Приказивање постова са ознаком Classroom management. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Classroom management. Прикажи све постове

четвртак, 1. септембар 2016.

QR kodovi- Poraga za blagom

Skolska godina u Kreativnom peru je pocela zanimljivom, interaktivnom igrom Potraga za QR kodovima.

Koncept igre je zamisljen kao potraga za blagom. Nastavnici su, roditeljima i deci, predstavili mapu koja je sadrzala pet QR kodova. Svaki QR kod je sadrzao informaciju koju je trebalo slediti kako bi potraga bila uspesna. Prvi QR kod na mapi je prikazivao amblem sa vrata ucionica koja je trebalo naci. Ostatak potrage se ovijao u ucionicama. Ostali QR kodovi na mapi su sadrzali zagonetke:

Cetiri brata
jednu kapu nose.
Ja sam oko 
bez okca i zaklopca,
bez mene je tama
po sobama.
Sta ima vrata
a vodi samo u Narniju?
Cetiri noge ima
A da hoda- ne ume.

Resenja zagonetki su vodila decu i roditelje do skolskog namestaja na kome su bili sakriveni novi QR kodovi. Skeniranjem tih QR kodova roditelji su dobijali informacije o edukativnim platformama, programskim novinama i planovima za obelezavanje desetogodisnjice VOS Kreativno pero.

четвртак, 3. септембар 2015.

петак, 5. јун 2015.

Mali princ

Teacher's gift for end of the year
End of the school year!!! This year we enjoyed in many books, but book The Little Prince made the greatest impression on kids.Here is a personal teacher student gift inspired by the book. 

We made personal fridge magnets. In that purpose we used: 
The Little Prince book illustration (laminated), 
Pictures of children (laminated),
Adhesive magnets,


Paste the magnet on the illustration, connect the picture with thread and voila gifts are ready.

четвртак, 7. мај 2015.

Super Hero Behavior Clip Chart

This is a perfect classroom management tool for all little super heroes!
It includes 7 steps with personal clothespins and Behavior Calendar form for each student. Students start their clothespins at H.E.R.O. and clip up as they make good choices or down as they make poor choices.

Each student have Behavior Calendar with colors that represents 7 steps and our own 10 classroom rules. At the end of the day students color their Behavior Calendar form depending on their place on the chart- purple for Superhero, blue for Gaining power, green for H.E.R.O., yellow for Losing power and red for Powerless.

This awesome chart was created in collaboration with my creative colleague Bojan Savić.