Приказивање постова са ознаком Math activities. Прикажи све постове
Приказивање постова са ознаком Math activities. Прикажи све постове

уторак, 8. март 2016.

Measuring mass

The pupils explored the concepts of heavy and light. Then they consolidated their skills in measuring using informal units and comparing the mass of objects.
As with other measurements tasks, it is important to start with concrete activities in which the pupils physically handle objects to decide whether they are heavy or light and to decide whether they are heavier or lighter than each other.

We made one balance scale using a coat hanger, plastic glasses and rope.

We were measuring mass of different items using marbles. For example, the stones weights the same as five marbles, the building block weights the same as one marble. Pupils were working in two groups and writing the results in worksheets.

Making banana bread

We were learning how to use a kitchen scale for measuring weight. Pupils were making banana bread. They were using a kitchen scale to measure in flour and other ingredients. 

Interactive games links:








недеља, 20. децембар 2015.

Malene učiteljice

Od septembra do decembra, devojčice iz Detlića, su naučile da pišu i čitaju, broje i sabiraju, učilie su o ljudskom telu i organima, o sluhu i zvuku...Najbolji način da to znanje pokažu drugima je kroz njihovu omiljenu igru- igru uloga. Tako su se, pojedinačno ili u paru, našle u ulogama predavača, a njihovi nastavnici, roditelji i ja, u ulozi đaka.

Čas srpskog jezika je održala Lola. Tema časa je bila obrada bajke "Baš Čelik". U uvodnom delu časa đaci su rešavali ukrštenicu na interaktivnoj tabli. Zatim su analizirali glavne likove iz priče tehnikom "vruća stolica". Igra se igra tako što osoba koja sedi na "vrućoj stolici" ima zadatak da zamisli da je lik iz priče, a ostali mu postavljaju pitanja na osnovu toga. Na kraju su popunjavali radne listiće.

Tema časa matematike je bila Sabiranje do 10 na brojevnoj pravi. Učiteljice Noa i Maša su đacima predstavile sabiranje uz pomoć kartica. Igrali su igrice na interaktivnoj tabli, a zatim su popunjavali radne listiće.

Na časovima sveta oko nas smo učili o ljudskom telu. Učiteljica Sofija je demonstrirala funkciju sistema organa na modelu, a potom su đaci imali zadatak da pokažu naučeno na interaktivnoj tabli. Na kraju, su pravili model ljudskog tela od papira i plastelina.

Učiteljice Mia i Sofija su predstavile temu Zvuci i slušanje na času nauka. Objasnile su funkciju uha na modelu. Učenici su, zatim igrali igrice na smart tabli i popunjavali radne listiće.

Čas engleskog jezika su, svojim drugaricama, nastavnici i majci, održale Odri i Aleksanra. Tema časa je bila Odeća, a učiteljice su je predstavile uz pomoć različitih igrica sa karticama.

Ovaj dan je ostavio veliki utisak na devojčice ali i na sve ostale koji su prisustvovali njihovim časovima. Na najbolji način je predstavio naš dosadašnji rad, ali i druženje i atmosferu u grupi Detlići. 


уторак, 22. септембар 2015.

Numbers 1- 5

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

Many pupils are able to count by rote. This does not mean they understand what they are counting. It is important that when pupils say "one" it means one object, and so on. This number knowledge requires matching things to amounts. Pupils need to be given the opportunity to count things in their environment. 
Woodpeckers are learning to recognise and write numbers from 1 to 5, and mach them to the correct name and set.

As always we begin with a songs  ("Five little ducks" and "Five little monkeys").

Then, we were playing interactive games on Smart board.

We were playing Number Hands game.

Then, we were making Number Hats.

Smart Board links:





Number Hats

Handwriting Numbers

петак, 29. мај 2015.

Tick tock, tick tock

Telling time

Time is a measure. However, it is difficult for young children to grasp this and express it in words, because time is an abstract concept and we cannot hold it, touch it or handle it. The pupils will have some experience of time as it relates to their daily routines and they should know some of the words related to day and night times. Therefore it is important to provide many practical activities which will allow pupils to manipulate with analogue clock (with movable hands), to make their own clocks and to learn proper expressions about time measurements.
So, we begin with songs...

Students imitating analog clocks hands.

Then, we were playing interactive games on Smart board.

We were making Sun clock outside and played "Mr.Wolf" game.

Eventually we learned WHAT TIME IS IT?

Links for interactive games:

Worksheets link:

Smart board games:





среда, 13. мај 2015.


Pet shop

These money activities helped students to learn about addition and subtraction of pence and pounds, and learn some elementary economics lessons as well. Students also practiced identifying types of coins and bills through play! These interactive and engaging money activities included "Pet shop" role play and Smart board games.

At first we played Smart board games. 


Then we shared roles for "Pet shop" game. Students brought their toys and put price tags on it. 

 Coins were made out of laminated paper.


Links for Smart board activities:


Links for role play materials:


The Great Pet Sale

Money fans

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